šŸ“Š Analysis Vol. 1

šŸ‘ Hey there!

My very first analysis video is up on my YouTube channel for couple of weeks now, and it has been getting a lot of good reviews by my subscribers. It is often brought up during my streams to explain certain parts of the video in greater detail, so I am actively getting feedback what areas I need to go more in-depth.

I think it might be a good idea to start piling up these analysis videos here, into my Learn Zone as I can write down some important notes that this video taught me, or I liked in particular. There is oftentimes not enough time to plug these thoughts into the video (and I like to keep videos clean, straight-to-the-point) so this will be my platform to share more details. Hope you like it.

šŸ“Š Analysis

Gambit Ax1Le vs. Astralis - Inferno CT Side [Analysis]
Just for the record, this review and analysis was all done Live on stream, which is super fun since I get to interact with you and I get to explain in real time if something is unclear. Feel free to shoot a follow to my Twitch channel so you do not miss upcoming streams and you will have a chance to watch full, unedited version as we go.

šŸ“‚ Summary

It is always important to note down what you learn. Even if you did not learn anything (makes sense? šŸ˜…) Sometimes you will stumble across a demo where you watched a lot of obvious reactions, plays, setups...
But just by watching them, you will naturally remember them better for the future references. You will remember how certain players play in case you face them or you will seamlessly come up with a setup for you and your teammate when situation is a little bit chaotic and you need to adapt on the fly.
After every analysis demo, lets try to write down 7-10 points as a key takeaways from the review.

  • Already on 3rd round he started creating a pattern in apps with his oneway smoke, he will continue to throw it throughout the match
  • He has a different lineups for said oneway (it will create oneway in different angle) which gives him room for creativity, keeping enemies honest while taking apps control
  • Correct timings on "chaining" the utility. Chaining: Mollying same spot as the smoke is just about to fade, not giving opponent timing to push inbetween the nades
  • He changes his routines instantly as he gets information of player, usually playing in Apps as T, dies elsewhere on the map.
  • Usually during gunrounds Ax1Le uses smoke for deep apps, meanwhile against low buys he prefers smoking off balcony.
  • Do not be afraid to call AWPer to help you out in Apps setup. Do not over-do it, once per CT side is probably enough.
  • Check out the video for neat molly from Ruins into Dark (during B retake) which enabled successful retake.

There are many more details you can use in your own games, feel free to watch the analysis yourself but for more detailed explanations, I will be happy to welcome you on my stream when doing review live.